The school aims to protect students and teachers rights, to promote their welfare and to ensure a pleasant education environment. For this reason:
1. Behave towards students with respect and justice.
2. Listen carefully and take into account students? opinions and remarks.
3. Are responsible for students? safety.
4. Seek cooperation with parents, in order that students understand that the important adults of their life have a common policy.
1. Respect and speak with politeness to teaching and non-teaching staff.
2. Avoid games and behaviours that can cause danger to their own safety and to others? safety.
3. Are careful while being inside the building and particularly using the staircases.
4. Have self control in class and do not cause any trouble to their schoolmates and teachers.
5. Do every day their homework.
6. Try to be on time at school in the morning and in class after the breaks.
7. Keep school premises clean.
8. Are not allowed to leave school during the day without a permission.
Those who are in charge of keeping attendance registers updated and mainly the classroom carers:
- Report any damage or loss during daytime.
- Stay in class during the brakes.
- Open the windows to let the fresh air in.
Students’ absences
Absences cannot exceed 114 teaching hours, out of which 64 could be authorised by parents (up to 10 days per year) or doctors and 50 could be unauthorised.
Parents can authorise 2 successive days, while a doctor?s certification is required in case of more than 2 days absences. The documents should be submitted within 10 working days.
Students’ attendance can be characterised as sufficient in case of 115-164 absences, if the absences above 50 are authorised and due to serious illness and the marks total average is 15/20.
When students have 25 absences, authorised or unauthorised, Heads of Learning and Attendance inform the parents by post .
Absences during a school day with the permission of the school authorities are not automatically authorised, but can be authorised by parents or doctors.
Parents who are unable to visit school during its operation for the authorisation of absences can have the relevant document signed and their signature certified in a Police department or in a Citizens Service Centre.
Praise and Reprimand
We always try to support the positive behaviour of students, regarding either their academic achievements or their everyday attitude in the school, by praising them verbally or by giving opportunities to them for further activities.
However, in the case of not acceptable behaviour, the school applies penalties ranging from simple admonition to expulsion from the school, depending on the fault.
Complaints can be made orally or in writing by students or parents towards the head teacher, the deputy head teachers or members of the teaching staff.
Complaints investigation
The person who investigates the complaints (the Head teacher) has to:
Find out what has really happened and who are involved.
Find out the type and the nature of the complaint.
Discuss with those who expressed the complaint.
Find out whether the person making the complaint has good intention.
Discuss with those who are involved.
Conduct the discussion with good will and insist in clarifying questions.
Care about the keeping of minutes during the discussions.
Complaints resolution
Complaints can be resolved either informally or formally:
By giving mutual clarifications resolving a possible misunderstanding.
By a formal handling of the problem within the legal frame of the school operation.
By taking measures for preventing of similar incidents.
As teachers we all have a statutory duty to ?safeguard and promote the welfare? of children. Staff and pupils have the right to protection from abuse and exploitation. Staff should work towards fulfilling the school?s vision in providing a nurturing environment where each student is inspired to learn and discover his/her own potential; to feel safe and secure amongst his/her peers and staff. In this effort our school?s policy is the following:
1. Members of staff locate signs or symptoms of physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse, which could include bruises, burns, small wounds, bites, scratches, antisocial behaviour, isolation, lack of motives, permanent hunger etc.
2. Incidents are reported to the Head Teacher and to the head of learning and attendance.
3. Each case is faced with particular attention, sensitivity, discretion and secrecy.
4. The persons in charge of the application of Child Protection Policy communicate with the child?s parents or guardians.
5. If there is a need to do so, the persons in charge communicate with the local authorities in order to get the help of a specialist.
1.1 Smoking is not allowed inside the school premises for the protection of students? and teachers? health.
The school is in position to protect children from danger:
2.1 People other than the students, the staff and the parents are not allowed to enter the school without the Head teacher?s permission.
2.2 On a daily basis, before the beginning of classes and during the breaks teaching staff are on duty everywhere in the school building in order to ensure students? safety and face any problem.
2.3 Members of teaching staff are ready to resolve problems, to help and to encourage students who report unpleasant incidents.